The Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development (AHEAD) Operation of Sri Lanka organised an event to Recognise Successful Commercialisation of University Research at BMICH, Colombo on the 2nd of May 2023 from 9.00am onwards. The Vice-Chancellor, Director of OTS, Director of UBL, Manager of UBL were invited. In addition the selected research team and Industrial partner were invited.
The Selection was based on one of the following categories.
1. Food product or Fast-Moving Consumer Good (FMCG) etc: the product should be in the market to be recognized.
2. Technical solutions, high-end inventions, etc: A prototype and a license agreement with the commercial partner or evidence to prove that the company will go forward with the commercialization is required.
Bael Drinking Yoghurt with Mullai Milk Processing Industry was selected under category 1 and Speaker verification and diarization with Avonet Technologies under category 2 were selected from University of Jaffna.

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