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Manager UBL

2nd Product Launch of the University of Jaffna: Agriculture Product Management System

The inauguration of the Agriculture Products Management System (Inthiramart) which was developed by the Department of Computer Science, University of Jaffna for the centralized management of agricultural products for farmers, took place at the Faculty of Agriculture Auditorium of the University of Jaffna on Wednesday,… Read More »2nd Product Launch of the University of Jaffna: Agriculture Product Management System

UBL-Jaffna Featured at AUTM

The Bael flavoured Drinking Yoghurt was published in the Association of University Technology Managers Website and Newsletter for the Better World Project. It is notable that this is the first publication to feature a Sri Lankan Success Story. Sri Lankan Superfruit Drives Health and… Read More »UBL-Jaffna Featured at AUTM

Awareness Session on Commercialization of Research Through Spinoff and Startup Culture

Dr. Sabesan Sithamparanathan is a multi – award winning entrepreneur with over 15 years’ experience in IoT space. He invented and developed the World’s most accurate passive RFID technology. As founder and CEO, He successfully grew PervasID, a Cambridge University spin-out company, from its inception… Read More »Awareness Session on Commercialization of Research Through Spinoff and Startup Culture

Orientation Programme- Law 2021/2022

The Department of Law orientation program was held on the 29th May 2023. During the Orientation program, the Director UBL-Jaffna, Prof. T.Eswaramohan conducted a session on “Introduction to UBL”. This session was held in the Kailasapathy Auditorium of University of Jaffna from 3.30 PM onwards.